Pink Fridays : Pink Wall

Here is a photo I want to share. My daughter is 5 months old already oh, how time flies so fast and she can now stand on her own. Not walk, just stand, while grabbing and holding on to something.

I want to share this VERY PINK photo of her. She’s wearing a pink onesie and she was holding on to my pink bedding, while on the background is our Pink Room Wall.
Yeah, I don’t get tired of seeing PINK in my room. And if ever given the chance, I would still paint my room PINK.


  1. Cute baby! Pink is really for girls. We just move in to a new house and my youngest son’s room is painted in pink. Hubby said ,he has to repaint it ,hahaha.I like it though.

  2. Ohhh she’s such an angel! I miss my daughter at this age. They’re so cute! My daughter also in pink, though I have tried purple too. But mostly, when we think about baby girls, pink is always there! LOL!

    COngrats to your little one of being 5 months old today! She sure is love pink too!

  3. such a cutie. enjoy that years and cherish the moment because like you said time flies by so fast. before you know it she’ll be walking and she’ll be in school already

  4. one sure thing that girls are ahead of boys is clothing, accessories and colours. All girls things are nice. Your baby is super duper adorable and that very inviting chunky legs, grrrrrrrr. I love pink too. I love her cot’s valance.

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