How to Make the Transition to Canada Simple

Canada is one of the largest countries in the world and is fast becoming a popular destination for people relocating. In fact, since 2001 around 250,000 people have migrated to Canada every year. Migrating to another country involves transporting your belongings and following the legal procedures in the country to apply for citizenship status. This is a guide to help you understand what you will need to do to make your transaction smooth.


Depending on which country you are, the length of time it takes for your application to be accepted can vary significantly. A good idea is to locate a house or apartment in the country before you actually arrive. Furthermore having employment secured is also beneficial as the legal officials will look upon your application more favourably.

The logistics of your move such as signing the lease to your accommodation and obtaining moving vans for your possessions should be held off until you are sure that you have been granted entry.

Applying for Residency

There are six different classes through which you can apply for residency to Canada. These include skilled worker, business, family, provincial, Quebec-selected and international adoption. The most effective class for you to gain residency is by far the skilled worker class. Applying for this class will mean that officials consider your work experience, education and the particular field that you have skills in.

The business class application system is aimed at those who are entrepreneurs, are owners of their own business already or are an investor. Those who wish to invest in a Canadian project must have a net worth of at least 800,000 Canadian dollars and wish to invest at least half of that wealth into a Canadian business. Entrepreneurs are required to have only 300,000 Canadian dollars but be able to create a business that supports at least one full time employee within the first three years of being granted residency.

The other classes are relatively simple with the family class involving a Canadian citizen who is a member of your family sponsoring your immigration to the country. International adoption class is for current Canadian citizens who have adopted a child from another country, while the provincial class residency occurs when a particular province in Canada selects you to personally to move there, which is extremely rare.

Canada uses a point scheme to judge the worthiness of your application and you need to score at least 67 points out of 100 for your application to be deemed successful. If you are looking to rent a car in Canada, Auto Europe has some great deals on their rentals that can save you money.

Applying for Citizenship

After being granted residency in Canada and living there for three years, you may apply to become a legal citizen of the country. Other requirements include being over the age of 18, being able to speak fluent English or French, have an understanding of Canadian laws and passing a Canadian government and politics exam.

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