Captain America Sexy Casts



Glad I was able to watch the latest movie Captain America:The Winter Soldier last Sunday. A lot of people are posting about it in their social media accounts and I have read somewhere that tickets are selling like hotcakes maybe because of the casts and the story line. I am a Marvel Fan and I love it when superheroes do their jobs.

I don’t want to make a movie review about this one because I want you to watch it yourself. I just want to share why I love the movie so much. I like how the plot revolves around Captain Rogers and how the director or perhaps the story writer gave the authority to decide what to do with the SHIELD to him. I love the costumes so much, and I guess I can’t easily find it for sale in the internet like cheap lingerie that I can easily google with.

Two thumbs up for this Marvel movie. I tag along my son and my little brother and indeed, it wasn’t a boring movie because they didn’t fall asleep at the movie house. They want to watch again and again. But we don’t have the time anymore.

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